Hello. My name is Martha and I.can't.stop.knitting.berets. First the blue one, for myself. Here it is finished.
Then, I had to make one for KC's birthday out of handspun also; she loves BFL and pink, so I used some Verb for Keeping Warm Vermillion in the stash.
Another March birthday on the horizon, so hmm, what should I make my Oregon buddy? Hey, how about a Love Beret? I just happened to have some lovely Alpaca/Merino Sock from The Natural Dye Studio, that was leftover from a Swallowtail shawl. Perfect, with that nice little halo. Janel, I can't stop!
And yes, I'm working on another one, this time with some leftover Lorna's Laces sock yarn for someone who likes dark purple.....